How to earn money from amazon

How to earn money from amazon:

What is amazon :

Amazon is an e-commerce American based company that sells products online in different countries in the world. It's products spread to about 60 countries in the world. That gives me the opportunity to buy return products. This is the No. 1 e-commerce company in the world. The total revenue is about 123b$ .

How many ways to earn money from amazon :

  1. Sells your products on amazon

  2. Affiliate marketing

  3. Drop shipping

  4. Sells your apps

  5. Become a seller

Sells your products on amazon :

     This is a good option for you if you have a store or an e-commerce website. Then you go on and create a seller account in two minutes. First you select user name then email address and last you create a strong password. Then click on the next button. After all you select categories according to your business.

    Affiliate marketing :

    This is my best way to earn money from amazon. This is totally free with no registration fee. You just go there, create an amazon account free, then you scroll down till the end and click on the amazon affiliate. On the next page you create an amazon affiliate account. First user ,then email address,  then password. Then you select categories that you want to sell products with affiliate links. After selecting a product amazon gives you a link you copy this link and spread there different social media places. When a person buys something, Amazon gives you some commission.

       Drop shipping :

       This is a new concept coming  on amazon a few years ago.If you have a shopify store you buy some products from amazon and free drop shipping on shopify store. Shopify is a platform that provides you to create an online store that gives you some money. It is paid but good for earning a lot of money from online.

       Sells your apps:

        This is a good option for app developers. If you are app developers you get money from amazon by selling your application. This has become a good source of income for app developers. If you are an app developer, you create an app and add it in the app store. And after adding an app in the app store then sell it on Amazon.

          Become a seller :

          It has become a good source of income from amazon. That is why. It is a very easy way to earn money from amazon by selling products on amazon. If a buyer came on amazon you deal as a seller and forced him to get more products from amazon.

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