Difference between pages and posts

Difference between post and page :

What is a post?

From Google 

             Post is content that we read from a website. That tells us about the website information or what type of website. Posts are dynamic. We can change it when we need to update. Posts are organized or tag-able. You share posts via RSS.

What is a page?  

              Page is about the website owner . You can make a page about us. You can make a page about terms and conditions. Page is used from privacy policy. In simple words pages are used for websites. Pages  are static and fixed every time.  

  • How to create a post

      This is most commonly asked questions . How to create a good post for a website or blog. There are some steps you need to follow .

Step 1

       In the first step you need to create a good title according to your domain.

Step 2

         In the second steps you need to create a good main heading. After writing the main heading you start to write a post according to your topics .

Step 3

        In the third steps you need to maintain the length of a blog. A good blog post length is about 300-600 for the beginner. The length of per heading is 5-6


Step 4

          In the four steps you need to write a label according  to your blog post topic.

Step 5

          In the five steps you need to create a permalink and customize your blog post .

Step 6

         In the six steps you need to maintain your search description and add location.

Step 7

         In the last step you need to preview your blog post and last you need to publish your blog post.

From Google 

  • How to create a page

         Pages tells us about the website owner. We discussed pages about some steps.

Step 1

         You need to create a page you go page option then you click it .

Step 2

          In this step you need to select title and like about us, term and privacy policy and write content.

Step 3

           In this step you need to select a template for the page and publish it.



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